Friday, June 27, 2008
Simply Recycled Yarn Holder
supplies needed:
small amount of WW yarn
G hook
Hole punch
1-2ltr empty bottle pop
Start by cutting the 2 liter bottle in half.Then with the hole punch,punch out 26 holes around the opening.Using the base of the bottle as a stand.With G hook push through hole and start yarn by pulling it through and doing a chain one.then sc in same hole. Sc all around in each hole and join with a sl st in first sc.Ch 1 and SC all around and sl st in first sc.. finish off.You now have a holder for your yarn and hook and even hold your small work that you are working on!Its great between the legs its flexible.please don't sell my pattern or claim as your own somewhere else.thanks
Well here it is made it to friday!
I have to say to everyone that reads my blog that I give birth to 10 children but in a nasty divorce lost custody of 5 of them 2 of them married.3 live with me.That is my prayer that some day we will all be together again!My ex-husband has them in michigan area.I dont see them I dont have contact with them. I didnt even know that he moved with them and I dont get any infor from the state.I wont go there with that!
When I lived 12 miles from them he wouldnt let them call me If I called it went unanswered volidated all the divorce rules.
He is a very mind controlling person.He actually locked me in the basement and I got the door opened and he held it shut with my fingers in it and called 911 on me as he was hitting himself with a hairbrush telling them I was beating him.I even had a witness to that.I had to beg with him in front of a cps person to get my oldest daughter phone number so that I could call her since he wouldnt let me talk to her at all when she called since he was mad that she moved out when she turned 18.So he turned all the kids against her and wouldnt let any of us have contact. There is a whole lot more to this story.`His family wont tell me where they are or anything just a very upsetting event.When my mother died I actually found letters where his mother and him sent to her saying that they are taking care of everything I still lived in the same house as HIM.He tried to get even my own family against me like I was some kind of crazed woman.So I Just keep counting down the minutes and hours and days and years of when one of them will contact me.When poeple dont know the whole story that think WHAT KIND OF PERSON is SHE!WHo would go to another state and leave her children behind.Well when you are being HEARTBROKEN every day in your face. When you know they are home and they cant come to the door!Then you have to make a decussion in your life to move on alittle and live with the hope that one day god be willing it will fall into place.
So I did remarry to a man and we have 3 little ones together. I do spoil them.I now have grandchildren to call and look at there pictures and one day hoping to move closer to them.Be there now if it wasnt for the housing prices of selling your home.
I feel sorry for these men and woman that lose custody of there children when they are good poeple because it comes down to a judge that decides the outcome of your life in a divorce.
WEll I geuss I did go on and on with this!
I have to say to everyone that reads my blog that I give birth to 10 children but in a nasty divorce lost custody of 5 of them 2 of them married.3 live with me.That is my prayer that some day we will all be together again!My ex-husband has them in michigan area.I dont see them I dont have contact with them. I didnt even know that he moved with them and I dont get any infor from the state.I wont go there with that!
When I lived 12 miles from them he wouldnt let them call me If I called it went unanswered volidated all the divorce rules.
He is a very mind controlling person.He actually locked me in the basement and I got the door opened and he held it shut with my fingers in it and called 911 on me as he was hitting himself with a hairbrush telling them I was beating him.I even had a witness to that.I had to beg with him in front of a cps person to get my oldest daughter phone number so that I could call her since he wouldnt let me talk to her at all when she called since he was mad that she moved out when she turned 18.So he turned all the kids against her and wouldnt let any of us have contact. There is a whole lot more to this story.`His family wont tell me where they are or anything just a very upsetting event.When my mother died I actually found letters where his mother and him sent to her saying that they are taking care of everything I still lived in the same house as HIM.He tried to get even my own family against me like I was some kind of crazed woman.So I Just keep counting down the minutes and hours and days and years of when one of them will contact me.When poeple dont know the whole story that think WHAT KIND OF PERSON is SHE!WHo would go to another state and leave her children behind.Well when you are being HEARTBROKEN every day in your face. When you know they are home and they cant come to the door!Then you have to make a decussion in your life to move on alittle and live with the hope that one day god be willing it will fall into place.
So I did remarry to a man and we have 3 little ones together. I do spoil them.I now have grandchildren to call and look at there pictures and one day hoping to move closer to them.Be there now if it wasnt for the housing prices of selling your home.
I feel sorry for these men and woman that lose custody of there children when they are good poeple because it comes down to a judge that decides the outcome of your life in a divorce.
WEll I geuss I did go on and on with this!
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Well today is somewhat of a blah day.Just hanging around the house doing much of nothing.Ready to go to bed! But the little one is still up.
Made my neighbor who I dont know except just a hi here and there a pair of baby booties today since she is due anytime now.Just stuck them in her mailbox and then ran into her son at the dumpster and told him there was something for his mother in there.She probably thinks I am
This use to be such a fun neighbor with the pool parties in the summer time and everyone meeting at someones house over weekends and the holidays where spent with each other that didnt have relations around.But times have changed now and everyone is older and busy and so things like that dont happen anymore.
I thought it would be somewhat different when Imoved back here. my mother was in poor health but I didnt think she would die so fast after a year of us being here.But I look back glad that I got that chance to be with her.
Think I am just getting extremely bored here now. I dont have any poeple my own age to be around. Just in the house 24/7 since someone stole our licenses plate and that is going to be a long wait at the DMV to get things in order now. My husband job has him working strange hours so there hasnt been any room to get it fixed.The poeple at the crochetville on the internet must be getting sick of seeing my name on eveything.LOL
Well anyways, this pass sunday we had cake and ice cream for the baby's birthday.This weekend is my husband birthday.He is suppose to have it off but not counting my chickens.
Above is a picture in one of her dress I made for her. This is her on sunday 6/22/08
Friday, June 20, 2008
Today is my little ones Birthday!Were having cake and ice cream Sunday when Daddy is off of work!She was a surprise but she has brighten my days!Nothing in this world that compares to the love thata child gives you!
It was great day to sew considering it is still 113 at 7 pm.SO patting me on the back to finally get the machine out!I made my daughter the dress below which took me awhile since I had to first try the one sewing machine it didnt work bobbin problem then I had to dig out my portable.Still have another one to sew up.Waiting until some of them take a NAP!
Well off I go to do something with the boys!
It was great day to sew considering it is still 113 at 7 pm.SO patting me on the back to finally get the machine out!I made my daughter the dress below which took me awhile since I had to first try the one sewing machine it didnt work bobbin problem then I had to dig out my portable.Still have another one to sew up.Waiting until some of them take a NAP!
Well off I go to do something with the boys!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
SAD my baby is turning ONE!

So today was another HOT one! Of course silly me decided to change the kitchen around sooo out the door I go to get the big table. Which at the time it was 115 on the back porch.Anyone for a swing on the swing on a nice summer day?!WEll my whole concept of this was that I needed the bigger table to lay out my sewing patterns.ahahhaahaSo later on tonight I am going to sew up my daughters dress. Top is crocheted and the bottom is fabric.I can't b elieve that tomorrow she is going to be ONE YEAR ALREADY! sniff sniff.She is starting to take off on her own walking now. standing alone in the middle of the floor and letting go of things and took her first steps last night from her swing to me!Boy is she alreasdy giving her brothers a run for there money! I tell you she going to be the BOSS!Heheee
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Well today was HOT HOT HOT one!Trying to keep the boys either in or out is driving me crazy hehehee.I give them some credit they are shutting the door more!Of course the turbo fan we brought last year is now out so had to use the little one again.still havent dragged the sewing maching out!I am bad!oh well another day!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
WELL THE HEAT OF SUMMER IS STARTING TO KICK IN NOW!blah.FATHER'S DAY WAS GOOD DAY.. DID SOME RIBS AND MADE IF do say so some great potato salad.since I didnt have all the fixin for regular one. used baked potatoes and then added mushroom and mayo, bacon bits and garlic powder. salt and pepper. it was different and good.
Little one decided she likes to climb on the couch!Then onto the top to look out of the window..YIKES.
*sigh* she going to be 1yrs old this 20th and boy time goes fast!The last of my little now hitting the big numbers now!
Digging out the sewing machine today hopefully and get started on all my sewing that I have to do.Since I have tons of material and little room so might as well start using it.
When my mother died I got all her stuff was great but now its my craft stuff and its taking over the closets and everywhere.I know my husband has to get tired of looking at it.So need to make some clothes with it and that gives more to
plus I need to scan some pictures and learn how to put them on here.
I hope as the weeks and month go by I can learn more about this bloggin bit and set it up right!
Little one decided she likes to climb on the couch!Then onto the top to look out of the window..YIKES.
*sigh* she going to be 1yrs old this 20th and boy time goes fast!The last of my little now hitting the big numbers now!
Digging out the sewing machine today hopefully and get started on all my sewing that I have to do.Since I have tons of material and little room so might as well start using it.
When my mother died I got all her stuff was great but now its my craft stuff and its taking over the closets and everywhere.I know my husband has to get tired of looking at it.So need to make some clothes with it and that gives more to
plus I need to scan some pictures and learn how to put them on here.
I hope as the weeks and month go by I can learn more about this bloggin bit and set it up right!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
First blog!
Well this is my first blog! I am excited maybe this is what I need somewhere I can write and get my life in order.
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