saturday I finally got to talk to my 21yr old daughter that is a problem child since she was 15.I could go on and on about that but she was acting all hunky doey on the phone to me.. She is 81/2months pregnant with her second. Different fathers. and so forth. well its been months. she hasnt had a phone she moved from her address. I've been trying to get through at her work to no avail. So last night I get really GREAT email from her telling me what awful mother I have been to her and so forth.To make no contact with her or HER FAMILY. I have been bawling me eyes out ever since. I have made the up coming baby afghan,outfit and hats and some adorable red sneaker booties that I guess now will just sit in a bag until someone needs them.This Child has done alot to me when I was going through a divorce with her step father. She played me and him against each other kept me from talking to my other children when I called she would hang up and so forth. I lost my mother 2 yrs ago and I paid 1300.for her to come out to her funeral and then gave her 500. to help with bills when she had her last baby!Sometimes it just doesnt pay to get up in the mornings. WELL then on crochetville a lady posted an email tha someone sent her and I was reading her blog and really give me lift up.. So glad that I know some of the wonderful poeple that have some inspirational testaments to share with others who are lead to them!!!